Exercising safely at home and at your own pace
This website was created to give everyone access to Pilates Classes designed by an experienced Chartered Physiotherapist, trained by the APPI, the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute.
They are suitable for those who are Beginners or at Intermediate level, giving options for both.
There are also specialist classes for those with Bone Health problems including Osteoporosis.
A Lasting Impact
This may be to help you to recover form a back injury, hip surgery, or some other musculoskeletal problem.
It may be to improve your core strength to help you to undertake another form of exercise better, such as working out in the gym, horse-riding, or running, to name but a few.
Postural improvement is often a bonus, particularly for those who have a sedentary job, and for those who get headaches from having to lean forwards in their work.
Maintaining flexibility is important for us all. Without flexibility we are more likely to sustain injury.
Balance tends to reduce as we age and needs to be worked on
Practice Makes Perfect
Keeping fit has been shown to reduce injury. Stretching and strengthening through Pilates is a low impact, safe means of exercising.
Furthermore it is an effective means of building a strong core. Having a six pack looks great but these superfical muscles alone are of limited use when it comes to stabilising your spine. The deep postural muscles, targeted in Pilates, are attached to the spine. It is essential to work on both these inner and the outer core muscles to enable a balance in the abdominals that will help to protect the spine from injury.
For those with Osteoporosis and other bone health problems the benefits are manifold: reducing flexed posture, maintaining range of movement in the neck and thoracic spine, increasing weight bearing through the arms and legs to help with bone density and improving balance to help to reduce falls are all extremely important. Studies show that Pilates for Bone health helps with all of these areas and more.
Make the Most of Your Time
Using Youtube videos mean that you can exercise when it is convenient for you.
You can pause the video whenever you wish to and you can work at your own pace.
The instructions in the videos are clear and accompanied by relaxing music.
All you need is an exercise mat, a thin pillow or folded towel and the space to lie down.
Every class is different and ensures that different muscle groups are worked.
The videos are easily accessed by clicking on a link in the email that I will send you if you subscribe.
Alternatives are often suggested for exercises where some people might find certain positions difficult.
I am happy for you to contact me if there is a particular exercise for which you require an alternative.
Classes may be requested as required, or regularly, for just £8 per video or £48 for 8 videos.
You will be asked to fill in a couple of forms with contact and health details. This is necessary for me to ensure that the exercises will be safe for you as I will be unable to supervise you exercising at home. Your details will not be shared with any third party.
A Lasting Impact
This is a great space to update your audience with information about the advantages and benefits to participating in your video tutorial. Give them specific details like what viewers can expect to learn and gain. You’ll want to use this space to promote the impact and spark interest in your videos.
Introduction to Pilates - the five key elements
Introduction to Pilates - the five key elements
Introduction to Pilates - resting position
Introduction to Pilates - breathing
Introduction to Pilates - centring
Want to learn more about Physio-led Pilates and my video library?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
07977 466924